Funny Story: 

Transponder squawks are required constant withn the TFR for continuous ID.  Thus, within the TFR you never squawk '1200,' even if the controller accidentally tells you to do so.

A few weeks ago one of the FAA HQ weenies based at Potomac was told on short final by the controller, 'field in sight, squawk 1200.'

Not 30 seconds later my telephone rings, it's NORAD again. 

"Hi guys," says I, "What's up?"

"Dave, we've got a 1200 squawk, do you know who it is?"

The poor pilot walked in.  I mentioned I had NORAD on the line, 'By any chance, did you squawk 1200?"

With great pallor and hands wringing he replied, "Yes, the controller told me to."

I informed NORAD we had a positive ID on the pilot.  Furherrmore, for the record I authorized NORAD "to simply shoot down any FAA HQ pilots squawking 1200."

"You guys probably need the practice and we'll all probably be better off."

Fortunately, the FAA HQ guy (and NORAD) know me and my sense of humor.